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B&R Medientechnik

B&R Medientechnik

Bernd Kugler

02207 70570

Cliev 19
51515 Kürten

  • Fohhn XT-10

Fohhn XT-10 for rent or hire

Fohhn X-Top Passive XT-10 Art. no. 7058

High performance fullrange system, 8“/1“ CD (fully neodymium), 200 W, 8 ohms, 90° x 60°, multifunctional housing also suitable for monitor operation, with mounting device for VXT-10, approx. 9,5 kg

Categories Audio (44)

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B&R Medientechnik
Dipl. Ing. Bernd Kugler
Cliev 19
51515 Kürten