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Amadis Brugnoni Sound Engineering

Amadis Brugnoni Sound Engineering

Amadis Brugnoni

+41 79 728 48 39

Untere Rebgasse 4
4058 Basel

  • Klark Teknik DN9650 mit KT-DANTE64

Klark Teknik DN9650 mit KT-DANTE64 for rent or hire

Klark Teknik Art. no. MZ05

Network bridge format converter for AES50 networks with up to 64 bidirectional channels
With KLARK TEKNIK KT-DANTE64 network module
Asynchronous sample rate conversion
24 bit audio operation with 96 kHz and 48 kHz sample rates
Video synchronisation in standard and high definition formats

Available units: 1pcs

Categories Audio (13)

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Amadis Brugnoni
Untere Rebgasse 4
4058 Basel